ACiDween loader by Wonder Monkey of Acid /code/demosrc/bbsintro/wm-h_src.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
76,513 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:  
| Source for a halloween BBS loader - So-So source. Scarey warnings about ripping. But I'm sure I'll want this guy's routine for masking off bits. I suppose he thinks SHR AL, 3: SHL AL, 3 is faster than AND AL, 11111000b.
Virtual Memory Management by Flux /code/hardware/memory/fxvmm210.zip
| 10 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
112,232 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:    
| A virtual memory management interface for BC - Once again, I didn't test this. This system is much more complete than the above and certainly much more useful. From the code, I'd say I'd like to work with this guy. :)
Ancient Tracks by Tangerine of T-Rex /music/disks/1996/tan-ant.zip
| 23 Jan 1997 (catalog date)
2,023,579 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:    
| This guy is consistenly good and even samples some of his own stuff (a lost art). This pack was released in 1996 but contains his tunes from 1995. I wish I knew what he was doing these days.
Roland Juno 106 Samples #2 by Soundwave /music/samples/swjuno2.zip
| 11 Oct 1997 (catalog date)
18,988,252 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| | Samples taken from the Roland Juno 106 - Analog-based synthesizer with thundering bass, Yamaha TX16W - Sampler with Typhoon OS the modulation makes synthesis possible. By popular demand, the Juno pack is back! And this time, we've got a lot of resonance for all of you techno guys out there. (: We've got a couple of samples of resonant acid-like bass, plus a lot of other goodies with booms, distortion, LFOs, etc. There are 25 additional Juno sounds here, recorded at 44.1kHz, 16 bit on a Pro Audio Spectrum 16 with the sample point at C3 unless otherwise noted. Sorry, no loop points or envelopes are provided. Be sure to check out the Typhoon TR-808-like kit as well.
Cah-Caqlach by Heatbeat of CNCD /music/songs/1993/caqlach.zip
| 01 Feb 1997 (catalog date)
212,791 bytes
| Download FTP scene.org
| Rating:   
| (MOD) Starts with a beautiful acoustic guitar intro, then jumps to modern jazz, then goes back to acoustic guitar, then does something else, then something else... gotta give the guy credit, at least it's varied.